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Why Join Us?

NATMA is a large community made up of health professionals from North America and Taiwan.

Networking & Build Lifelong Friendships

NATMA is a big family consisting of health professionals from North America and Taiwan, who help, support, and encourage each other with issues related to jobs, lifestyle, education, and more. Whether you are a freshly graduated professional, a young professional with a young family, an empty-nester still working to provide for your family, or a golden-aged retired professional looking for ways to enrich your life, NATMA members will be your supportive family and friends who share similar passions and goals.

Change History by Advocating for Taiwan and Taiwanese People

NATMA is at a unique and critical moment in history, and your involvement can have a major impact on the future of Taiwan. As a group of Taiwanese-descent medical professionals from North America with close ties to Taiwan and a deep understanding of the healthcare industry, NATMA is poised to be a powerful voice for Taiwan on the global stage. In light of the recent international attention on public health and medical technology, NATMA has the opportunity to showcase Taiwan's expertise and leadership in these areas, and to help raise Taiwan's profile and build more international allies. By doing so, NATMA can help support the hard-won democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech that are so important to the people of Taiwan.

Enrich Your Knowledge

Attend NATMA-exclusive free seminars/webinars on various topics such as CME-related, current advancements in medicine and medical technology, professional legal issues, and get insider tips on advancing your medical education.

Come Tour Taiwan with Us

Attend NATMA-exclusive tours to Taiwan, supported by the Taiwan Ministry of Health & Welfare and various non-government organizations. NATMA also offers members-only tours to other parts of the world.

Leave a Footprint and Discover the True Joy of Practicing Medicine

Join NATMA-organized medical mission trips to various countries, where you can learn from experienced members about medical mission and field medicine. Experience the true gratification of changing people's lives through your love and service.

Membership Application Form

Membership application to NATMA will undergo review by the NATMA Membership Committee. Once approved, you will receive a login password to pay for the membership dues. Once the dues are paid, you will have access to all NATMA events, group chats, and other member-only resources.

This year, NATMA membership dues are waived. Take advantage of this opportunity and join us today.

Thanks for submitting! Please allow 24 hours for us to review your application. You will receive a notification sent to your email. Please check your spam box in case you do not receive the email.

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